1) 对莎士比亚戏剧有浓厚兴趣,具有良好的舞台表现力;
2) 英语吐音清晰、流畅;
3) 具有良好的台词记忆能力。
Act 5, scene 2 of HenryⅤ.
§ Henry V.Fair Katharine, and most fair,
Will you vouchsafe to teach a soldier terms
Such as will enter at a lady's ear
And plead his love-suit to her gentle heart?
§ Katharine.Your majesty shall mock at me; I cannot speak your England.
§ Henry V.O fair Katharine, if you will love me soundly with your French heart, I will be glad to hear you confess it brokenly with your English tongue. Do
you like me, Kate?
§ Katharine.Pardonnez-moi, I cannot tell vat is 'like me.'
§ Henry V.An angel is like you, Kate, and you are like an angel.
§ Katharine.Que dit-il? que je suis semblable a les anges?
§ Alice.Oui, vraiment, sauf votre grace, ainsi dit-il.
§ Henry V.I said so, dear Katharine; and I must not blush to affirm it.
§ Katharine.O bon Dieu! les langues des hommes sont pleines de tromperies.
§ Henry V.What says she, fair one? that the tongues of men are full of deceits?
§ Alice.Oui, dat de tongues of de mans is be full of deceits: dat is de princess.
§ Henry V.The princess is the better Englishwoman. I' faith, Kate, my wooing is fit for thy understanding: I am glad thou canst speak no better English; for, if thou couldst, thou wouldst find me such a plain king that thou wouldst think I had sold my farm to buy my crown. I know no ways to mince it in love, but directly to say 'I love you:' then if you urge me farther than to say 'do you in faith?' I wear out
my suit. Give me your answer; i' faith, do: and so clap hands and a bargain: how say you, lady?
§ Katharine.Sauf votre honneur, me understand vell.