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    26 2007.04
讲座通知(国际知名语言学教授Paul Chilton主讲)
日期:2007.04.26 点击:

讲座时间:2007年5月8日下午四点整讲座地点:1-203讲座题目:Studying the Workings of English Words: the Strange Case of GET附:Paul Chilton 教授个人简介:



Professor of Linguistics

Department of Linguistics and English Language

Lancaster University, UKEDUCATION

Secondary Cheadle Hulme School, Cheshire.

1964 Magdalen College, Oxford.

1967 BA (class 1) Modern Languages.

1973 DPhil

1976-7 Open University courses: MathematicsAPPOINTMENTS

1968 College Lecturer, Magdalen College, Oxford.

1970 Lecturer, Department of French, University of Nottingham.

1973 Lecturer, Department of French Studies, University of Warwick.

1985 Senior Lecturer, Department of French Studies, University of Warwick.

1988-90 MacArthur Visiting Fellow, Stanford University, California.

1991 Deputy chair, Department of French Studies, University of Warwick.

1994-5 Chair, Department of French Studies, University of Warwick.

1995 Reader (in UK system: senior research post), Department of French Studies, University of Warwick.

1996 Professor of Language and Communication, School of Languages and European Studies, Aston University.

1996-8 Head of School, School of Languages and European Studies, Aston University.

1997 Director of Research, School of Languages and European Studies, Aston University.

1996-2000 Co-Director, Institute for the Study of Language and Society,

School of Languages and European Studies, Aston University.

2000 Professor of Linguistics, School of Language, Linguistics, and Translation Studies, University of East Anglia.

2001 Director of Research, School of Language, Linguistics, and Translation Studies, University of East Anglia.

2005 Tianjin University of Commerce, China: titular Dean of Foreign Languages Department, two-year contract.