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    12 2024.10
ylzzcom永利总站线路检测外籍教师介绍暨2024-2025学年第一学期办公时间(Office Hour)安排表
日期:2024.10.12 点击:


英语-Mason Stoddard

Originally from the USA, Mason Stoddard earned his masters degree in screenwriting from Chapman University in California. He has taught English in Russia, Estonia, and several cities in China. At Hainan University, he has taught courses in American literature, British literature, science fiction literature, academic writing, public speaking, and English listening & speaking.


Originally from Japan, Kunihisa Yabuuchi earned a master's degree in social and cultural studies from Nihon University in Tokyo. During that time, he researched how to teach foreigners how to write the Japanese hiragana alphabet. While working for a Japanese company, he was sent to Suzhou, China, where he taught himself Chinese. This experience made him fall in love with China, and he began teaching Japanese at Hainan University.


SARAKAEVA ASIA is a Russian teacher. Born in 1975, she received Master’s degree in English from Astrakhan State University (Russia), Master of Administration from Clark University (USA), and PhD in History from Moscow State Normal University (Russia). In 2011 she moved to China, where she worked in a number of universities in Sichuan, Jiangxi, and Shandong Provinces. In 2014 the Provincial government of Jiangxi awarded her Lushan Friendship Medal - a special award for the best foreign experts in  this province. Since 2016 she has been teaching in Hainan University.

Her academic interests include History and Culture Studies, she has authored and published a series of articles on Medieval European culture, as well as traditional and modern Chinese culture.


ANDREEV ALEKSEI, from Russia, has been working at Hainan University since 2021. He graduated from Northern Arctic Federal University (Russia) with a master's degree in linguistics. In 2016, he first came to China to study Chinese at Hainan College of Software Technology in Qionghai and was captivated by Hainan's beauty and the warmth of its people, which inspired him to stay. Aleksei teaches a variety of courses, including 俄语口语、俄语视听说、俄语写作、语音训练、俄罗斯文化名篇选读、高级俄语、当代俄罗斯社会等等. His fluency in Russian, English, and Chinese allows him to create an engaging and immersive learning environment for his students. He is dedicated to fostering student talent and regularly prepares his students for language competitions, where many have earned prestigious awards.

Having traveled to numerous remote regions of China and Hainan, Aleksei has developed a deep understanding of Chinese and Hainanese cultures. Alongside his teaching, he runs social media channels where he chronicles his travels across China, showcasing the country's diverse landscapes and local traditions. His videos have received numerous awards from China Daily, People's Daily, and other major media outlets.


JESSLYN(叶玲玲),来自美丽的印度尼西亚。她毕业于中国河北师范大学,就读汉语国际教育专业.。她曾担任印尼雅加达慈育大学中文系汉语教师、印尼雅加达华文教育协调机构海外HSK考试工作人员,并曾为印尼OPPO公司、华为公司、印尼康佳电子有限公司、印尼洪奥有限公司、印尼雅万钢构工程有限公司等中国企业做过短期印尼语培训。目前她在海大任教四年。2021年荣获中国日报 我、中国和十四五”   主题征集活动二等奖。目前她已培养近200余名中国员工学习印尼语,非常期待能够带领员工感受印尼文化的魅力 。


HLA HLA WIN(吴玉萍),来自美丽的缅甸,2017年毕业于中央民族大学,获汉语国际教育硕士学位。她曾在缅甸仰光福星孔子课堂与曼德勒云华师范学院担任汉语教师。2018年,她入职ylzzcom永利总站线路检测,负责讲授缅甸语课程。她希望有越来越多的员工跟她一起学习缅甸语,了解缅甸的文化和历史,学习怎样与缅甸人交流。她坚信,通过语言和文化的交流,能够进一步加深两国人民之间的友谊和合作。


"Hello, I'm Monika, a proud Pakistani born and raised in Karachi on November10, 1995. I pursued my Master of Business Administration in Finance from lqra University, Pakistan, and am currently enrolled in a PhD program in Business Management at Hainan University, China. As I continue my academic journey, I've also embarked on a new chapter as an Urdu language instructor for Chinese students at Hainan University, marking my first semester in this role. I'm excited to share my culture, language, and expertise with my students while immersing myself in the vibrant Chinese academic community."


LY PITOU(林品图), a Proudly Cambodian. Embarking on an exciting academic journey, PITOU is currently pursuing a PhD in Microbiology at Hainan University. He obtained his master degree in One Health from Institute Poly-Technique De Toulous, France with almost 10 years of experience in teaching at Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia.

Join PITOU on this incredible journey of Cambodian learning and culture discovery.


NGUYEN HUYEN TRAN(黎阮玄珍),来自美丽的邻国越南。她是ylzzcom永利总站线路检测外籍教师,自2024 年起在海大教授越南语课程。她主修商务经济,同时还是一位业余作家。她致力于成为越南文化使者,衷心希望能够通过教学活动以及积极的交流互动,将越南文化与越南语分享给更多的人,进而促进不同文化之间的交流与学习,共同推动多元文化的繁荣发展。


SAENGSEREEDAMRONG JINNAPAT(许美芊),来自微笑之国泰国。她就读于ylzzcom永利总站线路检测人文学院汉语言系。她曾担任泰国人和中国人的私人翻译,帮助两国人民更好地理解彼此的语言。此外,她曾在爱奇艺有限公司工作,积累了丰富的翻译和沟通经验。目前,她在ylzzcom永利总站线路检测任教,负责讲授泰语课程。她非常期待有兴趣的员工来学习泰语,并通过语言了解泰国丰富多彩的文化和风俗。她相信,语言是文化的桥梁,希望能帮助员工在这条桥上走得更远。